Job Grading System
With the Baumgartner & Partner - function/job grading system we have been setting signals for many years with regard to the accuracy of the job analysis, speed of the whole process as well as acceptance and quality of the assessment results.
By using the inhouse function/job grading process we ensure a fair and transparent structural framework for designing modern and future-oriented remuneration systems in line with the requirements and which covers all industries.
Our processes and methods are suitable for the consistent evaluation of jobs in top management down to the lower pay-scale field (classification analysis). Among our customers are multinational groups and small and medium-sized companies from various industries as well as organisations of the public sector (classification analysis in the TVöD [Collective wage agreement for the civil service]).
The following aspects are repeatedly of special importance for our customers:
- Baumgartner & Partner uses job grading criteria which can be substantiated based on manpower studies
- The operationalisation (definitions) of the criteria and scales is transparent and easy to manage.
- Specialist as well as management careers can be depicted precisely.
- The grading criteria are independent of each other.
- he used graduations are easy to understand.
- The points scores are stipulated per characteristic value stage (no discussions about points scores, but only about requirement valuations).
- Slight deviations in the degrees of requirements can be determined quickly and precisely. In addition, only a slight amount of work is required for the analysis and evaluation of “similar” function types.
- The grading can be realised in the body of superiors, however also in the group of management/personnel experts.
- The Baumgartner & Partner job/function grading process can cover all jobs and all organisation units in a company.
- The Baumgartner & Partner job/ function grading process makes a clear distinction between an analysis of the job valuations and the subsequent determination of wage/salary and thus between aspects which can be substantiated based on manpower studies and aspects which are to be negotiated according to wage/salary policies.
- Subsequent changes in the function and job can be evaluated later at all times and without a great deal of work even without including a consultant.
- The grading results which are achieved using the Baumgartner & Partner job grading process can be understood in a transparent manner at all times.
All grading results are supplemented by our remuneration platform which is based on job valuations under
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