Baumgartner & Partner

Strategic HR Audits

HR Audit/HR Reviews M&As, the transition to the top tier of leadership or modifications in stategic personnel scheduling – the occasions for HR Audits or HR Reviews are diverse. The aim, however, is always the same: companies must know the value of their human capital. At least since the introduction of Basel II and the resulting correlation between personnel risks and outside-capital interest, HR must be able to evaluate the value of the personnel it employs. This requires valid and stable valuation processes.

Baumgartner & Partner offers you various alternatives in terms of HR Audits or Reviews which analysis the human capital based on individual, dynamic and structural aspects. We can indicate correlations and effectual connections based on our benchmarking system – and know the personnel-based value drivers in the company.

You can find further relevant information here:

>> Human Capital Management >> Management Audit >> Assessments/Diagnostic

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Baumgartner & Partner Management Consultants GmbH
Berlin - Frankfurt - Hamburg - Cologne - Munich

Free call: 0800 300 1919
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Baumgartner & Partner Management Consultants GmbH
Berlin - Frankfurt - Hamburg - Cologne - Munich