Human Capital Management
The personnel of a company are, without a doubt, decisively valuable. However, only a few companies rely on a value-conscious treatment of this human capital as a focus. However, the significance of immaterial resources – primarily intellectual capital (including human capital, research and development, software, brands etc.) – is increasing. The human capital is an important element of this immaterial/intellectual capital, and represents a significant share of the increasing added value between the book and market value of a company. Companies which have recognised the significance of this aspect set up a comprehensive Human Capital Management system which maintains and multiplies this intellectual capital in the company.
Baumgartner & Partner has extensive expertise in setting up Human Capital Management Systems – and masters various personnel Assessment methods to map this human capital (among others, the Saarbrücker Formula. In co-operation with Prof. Dr. Scholz, we offer, in the context of a consulting project, a Human Capital Assessment of your company.