Baumgartner & Partner

Corporate Culture Change & Integration

The question is not whether a company has its own culture – but instead, whether the HR division is aware of this culture. In any type of community or organisation, there are certain informal customs and rituals which interplay with the established formal and explicit rules of doing business. In this context, the influence of a company's culture should not be overlooked when it comes to the long-term success of a venture. HR cannot dictate the company culture, but this division can indeed make a sustainable mark and provide positive approaches. To achieve this, HR must have comprehensive insights into the current culture within the entire organisation - and master the sensitive task of effectively dealing with such influences.

Baumgartner & Partner provides to you the specialised expertise and the proper instruments for the analysis of your company's culture. We will assist you in also planning, managing and monitoring changes within your organisation from the cultural perspective. Our experience and farsighted vision enables us to avoid losing sight of the cultural aspects of Change Management Projects – instead, we apply such synergies to the successful implementation of your planned project.

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>> Culture und Involvement Analyses

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Baumgartner & Partner Management Consultants GmbH
Berlin - Frankfurt - Hamburg - Cologne - Munich

Free call: 0800 300 1919
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Baumgartner & Partner Management Consultants GmbH
Berlin - Frankfurt - Hamburg - Cologne - Munich