Baumgartner & Partner

Target-Oriented Bonus Management

Leadership with agreed targets: this is anything but a new achievement. This concept which originated in the U.S. was introduced to Europe several decades ago – originally under the label "Management by Objectives".

In the meantime, agreed targets have become a regular element of established leadership instruments in most companies – notwithstanding the vast differences in their practical application. If an a agreed-targets system should develop its full beneficial potential, it must – just as other leadership instruments – be applied in a consistent and uniform rule-based manner, and requires a reliable target culture, as well as (insofar as this is a relevant aim), a corresponding consistency in compensation.

The establishment of agreed targets implies the challenge of increasing the yield of one's own actions based on pre-defined targets - and this primarily by way of flexible interaction and communication with other people involved in the systems.

In those divisions of the company which employ largely autonomous teams and networked divisions, agreed targets play a significant role. After all, the value-adding processes can be structured managed – with your support – in a customer-oriented fashion.

In addition to all variations in terms of content, it is important to ensure the uniformity of implementation, as well as a consensus on what defines a target and which concrete performance requirements are associated with that target.

With more than 100 successful agreed-targets systems, along with the accompanying work aids, we are your partner in the development, implementation and establishment of training programmes for Agreed-Targets Systems.

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Baumgartner & Partner Management Consultants GmbH
Berlin - Frankfurt - Hamburg - Cologne - Munich

Free call: 0800 300 1919
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Baumgartner & Partner Management Consultants GmbH
Berlin - Frankfurt - Hamburg - Cologne - Munich