Baumgartner & Partner

Behavior-Oriented Bonus Management

The approach behind Competence Models (Behaviour-Oriented Feedback Systems) has its starting point not in the result of work, but rather in the employees' expertise and basic attitudes. According to this premise, cognitive as well as behaviour-related and emotional factors are integrated into competence models.

Competences describe, in this process, the behaviours, qualifications and skills which set employees with an above-average level of successful performance from those with a merely average level of successful performance.

A competence is, with that, a basic individual characteristic which has a causal association with effective and/or above-average performance in a workplace situation (associated with a Performance Criterion).

In this context, the term "basic characteristic" means that this competence is a material and constant element of one's personality - and that as a result, it is possible to predict this person's behaviour in a wide range of situations and assignments.

Associated with a compensation component, this is a Competence-Based Salary System, which places positive behaviour in critical situations in the forefront of (bonus) compensation.

These processes are especially appropriate to situations in which one's behaviour plays a particularly significant role – i.e., for executives, specialists or employees in the sales division.

In the past several years, Baumgartner & Partner has developed numerous competence profiles which are applied to the following divisions:

  • Administrative employees
  • Sales-force employees and
  • Executives in all functional areas.

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Baumgartner & Partner Management Consultants GmbH
Berlin - Frankfurt - Hamburg - Cologne - Munich

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Baumgartner & Partner Management Consultants GmbH
Berlin - Frankfurt - Hamburg - Cologne - Munich