Baumgartner & Partner

Career Management/Career-Track Models

Within companies, one can observe two distinct developments which have ensued over several years: firstly, the days of the linear career track are passé due to organisational changes; secondly, key jobs (particularly in companies characterised by flat hierarchies) are gaining in significance as far as their impact on the company's success is concerned. This results in increased difficulty for companies to gain a sufficient number of high performers for important jobs and ensure their long-term loyalty.

Baumgartner & Partner will install, in co-operation with your HR organisation, a successful Career Management system which (via attractive specialised career-track models) offers appealing career alternatives beyond exclusively linear advancement. We will assist you in gaining, developing and maintaining High Performers – not merely for your key jobs.

You can find further relevant information here:

>> Performance Management >> Competence/Skill Management >> (Continuing) Education Management >> Management Audit >> Multi-Rater (360°) Feedback >> Assessments/Diagnostic

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Baumgartner & Partner Management Consultants GmbH
Berlin - Frankfurt - Hamburg - Cologne - Munich

Free call: 0800 300 1919
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Baumgartner & Partner Management Consultants GmbH
Berlin - Frankfurt - Hamburg - Cologne - Munich