Baumgartner & Partner

Skill & Competency Modeling - A Global Approach

Organizations must make sure that individual behaviors are aligned with the company’s strategic objectives, and that decisions about people translate into improved organizational performance. Skills and competency models serve to make these decisions measurably more reliable and valid.

Developing a skills and competency model becomes a mission-critical endeavor for virtually any organization that wants to protect and extend its competitive advantage.

Baumgartner supports organizations to develop and implement their specific leadership competency model, supervisory competency model, and general employee competency model.

Your contact:

Ralf Hendrik Kleb

Baumgartner & Partner Management Consultants GmbH

Phone +49 (40) 28 41 64 - 0

Weitere Informationen zu diesem Thema

Competencies für Stellenbewertung und Leistungsfeedback nutzbar machen.

Competencies sind wichtige Instrumente zur Verhaltenssteuerung. Sie bestechen insbesondere dadurch, dass sie konzeptionell ganz unterschiedlich genutzt werden können.
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Baumgartner & Partner Management Consultants GmbH
Berlin - Frankfurt - Hamburg - Köln - München

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Baumgartner & Partner Management Consultants GmbH
Berlin - Frankfurt - Hamburg - Köln - München